„Recyclers“ is an animation film series that portrays the diverse cultural, social and urban fabrics of different cities by means of experimental animation and creates an impression of human consumerism.
Characteristic urban sounds are recorded in different metropolises. Objects, like litter from the streets, packaging of consumer goods and typical local products, are collected. “Recycled” figures are created with these objects and animated to the sound recordings. Each “Recyclers” film is divided into several scenes, in which the trash creatures react with humour to spontaneities and characteristic impressions of the urban ambience. The environment is thereby subjected to close examination from an unusual perspective. The filmic results are experimental, documentary portraits of different metropolises.
Characteristic urban sounds are recorded in different metropolises. Objects, like litter from the streets, packaging of consumer goods and typical local products, are collected. “Recycled” figures are created with these objects and animated to the sound recordings. Each “Recyclers” film is divided into several scenes, in which the trash creatures react with humour to spontaneities and characteristic impressions of the urban ambience. The environment is thereby subjected to close examination from an unusual perspective. The filmic results are experimental, documentary portraits of different metropolises.
The collected items are animated frame-by-frame on green screen, on the animation table, while being moved in all three dimensions. These modular clips show the objects three-dimensionally and are combined digitally to figurative creatures that are then animated in 3D space. The backgrounds are photo-series taken from the urban surroundings of the city in question. While walking towards interesting wall textures, facades, old doors, street-art signs, etc, a photo is taken at each successive step. The results are „animated zooms“ which end in close-up views.
The collected items are animated frame-by-frame on green screen, on the animation table, while being moved in all three dimensions. These modular clips show the objects three-dimensionally and are combined digitally to figurative creatures that are then animated in 3D space. The backgrounds are photo-series taken from the urban surroundings of the city in question. While walking towards interesting wall textures, facades, old doors, street-art signs, etc, a photo is taken at each successive step. The results are „animated zooms“ which end in close-up views.
Each movement of the creatures has a sound effect created by the object itself. These sounds are sampled to rhythmic beats to which the figures perform. Sound fragments of the urbanity, such as traffic noise, market life, streetmusic, etc., create the score of the film.
Each movement of the creatures has a sound effect created by the object itself. These sounds are sampled to rhythmic beats to which the figures perform. Sound fragments of the urbanity, such as traffic noise, market life, streetmusic, etc., create the score of the film.